Dick, Philip K. The Man in the High Castle
Divergence: 1933 CE
What if: Before his 1933 inauguration, FDR was assassinated in Miami, which eventually led to
the Axis winning World War II.
Summary: Relations between Americans and their rulers, with light from the Tao and an alternate
history novel about a world in which the Axis lost the war.
Published: Putnam's 1962 (0244151806BUY); Penguin 1965, 1987 (014008875X), 2001 (0141186674),
1999 (0140285628BUY), 2010 (0141186674BUY); Berkley 1974 (0425039080), 1983
(0425063216BUY), 1988 (0425101436BUY); Gollancz 1975 (0575019581), 2001 (0965018857>);
Gregg 1979 (0839824769); Easton 1988, 1995; Random House/Vintage 1992 (0679740678BUY);
Penguin/Roc UK 1993 (014017172X); QPBC 2001 (0965018849BUY); SFBC 2004 (0739444034BUY);
Mariner 2012 (0547572484BUY), 2015 (0544817281BUY), 2017 (1328849864BUY; and Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt 2016 (0544916085BUY)
Included in Four Novels of the 1960s, Penguin/Library of America 2007 (1598530097BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: Bulgarian as Chovekat vav vissokia zamak, Bard 1993.
Translation: Czech by January Hlaviaka as Mul z Vysokeho zamku, Laser 1992.
Translation: Danish by Jørgen Beck-Jessen as Manden i den store fæstning, Stig
Vendelkær 1973.
Translation: French by Jacques Parsons as Le Maître du Haut Château, J'ai lu 1970,
1974 (2277125679), 1993, 2001 (2290302481), 2013 (2290082325).
Translation: German by Heinz Nagel as Das Orakel vom Berge, Bastei-Lübbe 1982, 1989
(3404241177); Heyne 2000 (3453164113), 2009 (3453522729).
Translation: Greek by Julia Tsakiri as O Anthropos sto Psilo Castro, Exadas 1978.
Translation: Italian by Romolo Minelli as La svastica sul sole, La Tribuna 1965.
Translation: Italian by Robert Rambelli as La svastica sul sole, Nord 1977 (8842903264), Club
degli 1988.
Translation: Italian by Riccardo Valla and Luca Signorelli as La svastica sul sole, Nord 1993
Translation: Italian by Maurizio Nati as La svastica sul sole, Fanucci 1997 (8834705629), 1999
Translation: Nederlands by Ben Dull as Laarzen in de Nacht, Born 1968.
Translation: Nederlands as De Man in het Hoge Kasteel, Elsevier 1979.
Translation: Norwegian by Arne Moen as Mannen i Høyborgen, Gyldendal 1977 (8205107017).
Translation: Polish by Lech Jeczmyk as Czlowiek z wysokiego zamku, Czytelnik 1981 (8307002974);
Spotkania 1991; Zysk i s-ka 1996 (8371501676).
Translation: Portuguese by Sílvia Escorel as O homem do Castelo Alto, Brasiliense 1985.
Translation: Portuguese by António Porto as O homem do Castelo Alto, Livros do Brasil 1993.
Translation: Romanian by Mircea Stefancu as Omul din castelul inalt, Nemira 1995.
Translation: Russian as Chelovek v Vysokom Zamke, AST 2001 (5170041497).
Translation: Russian by G. Korchagin and I. Petrushkin as Chelovek v Vysokom Zamke, included in
Begushchii po lezvuyu britvi with four other Dick novels, Eksmo 2003.
Translation: Russian as Chelovek v Vysokom Zamke, Amfora 2006 (in one volume with Labirint
Translation: Spanish by Manuel Figueroa as El hombre en el castillo, Minotauro 1962, 1974, 1986
(8445070568), 2002 (8445072420).
Translation: Spanish by Francisco Arellano Selma as El hombre en el castillo, Orbis 1987
Translation: Swedish by Eva Gabrielsson as Mannen i det höga slottet, Kindberg 1979
(9185668141), rev. Bakhåll 1996 (9177421388).
Awards: Winner: 1963 Hugo for best novel.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk