Smeds, Dave. "The Eighth of December"
Divergence: 1981 CE
What if: John Lennon was only the first of several major rock stars to be murdered in the early 1980s.
Summary: In 1995, as the Cold War persists, it comes out that one of those rock stars faked his death.
Published: In David Copperfield's Tales of the Impossible (eds. David Copperfield and Janet Berliner), HarperPrism 1995 (006052280), 1996 (0061054925BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: Greek by Thomas Mastakouris as "I Ogdoi Dekembriou", in David Copperfield - Apithanes Istories (eds. David Copperfield, Janet Berliner and Thomas Mastakouris), Esotropon 1997.