Sladek, John T. "1937 A.D.!"
Summary: An inventor from the US of Columbia in 1878 sets out for 1937, where he encounters a man who can change history with the stroke of a pen.
Published: In New Worlds, July 1967; Best SF: 1967 (eds. Harry Harrison and Brian Aldiss), Berkley 1968; v.t. The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 1, Sphere 1968; The Steam-Driven Boy, and Other Strangers, Panther 1973 (0586038019); and The Best of John Sladek, Pocket 1981 (0671831313BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Françoise Maillet as "1937!", in Un garçon á vapeur, Opta 1977 (2720100900).