Barton, William. "In Saturn Time"
Divergence: 1972 CE
What if: Mo Udall was elected president in 1972 and reversed Nixon's shrinkage of the space program.
Summary: The career of a single astronaut, from the flight of Apollo 21 in 1974 to Discovery in 2001.
Published: In Amazing Stories: The Anthology (ed. Kim Mohan), Tor 1995 (0312890486) and Year's Best SF (ed. David G. Hartwell), HarperPrism 1996 (0061056413BUY), SFBC 1996.
Original in: English.
Translation: Italian by Riccardo Valla as "L'Era dei Saturno", in Le meraviglie dell'invisibile (ed. David G. Hartwell), Mondadori 1997.
Translation: Japanese as "title unknown", in Hayakawa S-F #10 (October 1997).