Cover art
Niles, Douglas, and Michael Dobson. Fox on the Rhine. Tor/Forge 2000.

Niles, Douglas, and Michael Dobson. Fox on the Rhine
Divergence: 1944 CE
What if: The July 1944 bomb plot succeeded in killing Hitler.
Summary: The plotters fail to follow through and Himmler ends up running Germany, and working on a solution to the problem of a two-front war. Meanwhile, a severely wounded Rommel retains command of German forces in the West, and northern France and Belgium turns into one large tank battlefield, climaxed by a different Battle of the Bulge.
Series note: Sequel is Fox at the Front.
Comments: The 2002 paperback edition includes a scene of about 1500 words omitted from the original hardback edition.
Published: Tor/Forge 2000 (0312868944BUY), rev. 2002 (0812574664BUY).

Cover art
Niles, Douglas, and Michael Dobson. Fox at the Front. Tor/Forge 2003.

Niles, Douglas, and Michael Dobson. Fox at the Front
Summary: His forces trapped after a failed Ardennes offensive in December 1944, Rommel submits his forces to the command of the Western Allies in hopes that they control all of Germany after the war. With the "German Republican Army" fighting at their side, Patton's Third Army races the no-longer-allied Soviets to Berlin.
Series note: Sequel to Fox on the Rhine.
Published: Tor/Forge 2003 (0765304791BUY), 2004 (0765343991BUY).