Bergeron, Alain. "Le huitiègme registre"
Title trans.: "The Eighth Register"
Published: In Solaris #107 (Autumn 1993); Escales sur Solari (eds. Joë Champandier et Yves Meynard), Vents d'Ouest 1995 (292160311X); Corps-machines et rêves d'anges, Vents d'Ouest 1997; Les horizons divergents, Livre de Poche 1999 (2253072125); and SF 2000-2002 (ed. Olivier Girard), Bélial 2002 (2843440378).
Original in: French.
Translation: English by Howard Scott as "The Eighth Register", in TesseractsQ (eds. Élisabeth Vonarburg and Jane Brierley), Tesseract 1996 (1895836212BUY, 1895836220BUY); and Northern Suns: The New Anthology of Canadian Science Fiction (eds. David G. Hartwell and Glenn Grant), Tor 1999 (0312864612BUY), 2000 (0312864620BUY).
Awards: Finalist: 1999 Sidewise Award for best short-form alternate history.